AppTastic Tuesday: OfficeTime Time Tracker

The best iPhone time tracker I’ve seen is OfficeTime. It is simple, fast, effective, and easy to get in and out of quickly to start tracking time and get right back to work.


OfficeTime Screen


You can set up your Projects and Categories (I use these as two levels of task grouping), and tap on each to see how much time you’ve spent in a certain part of your work. I don’t use the Expenses feature of the app, but if you were a sub-contracting consultant keeping track of work for multiple clients, OfficeTime would be immensely helpful in tracking billing.

Pulling up a new time/task entry is easy:


OfficeTime timer


“Notes” allows you to write more details about what task you’re working on.

Not only can you look at all your time entries in a week by Project and Category, but you can see (as below) a virtual Timesheet of your week.


OfficeTime timesheet


The iPhone app can sync automatically to the desktop version of OfficeTime, though you have to actually be on the same wireless network to do it. Similarly, the iPad app can sync to a computer (and vice versa), but the data cannot sync automatically between iPad and iPhone apps. That is one of the few drawbacks I’ve found in OfficeTime.

I’ll post more in a future review about the desktop app, and also report back on exporting features.

The lack of a full-bodied sync option hasn’t really stopped me, though, since I can keep all the data on my phone and then sync with my work computer when I’m in the office.

OfficeTime has a free Mac trial version, and a free iOS version to try here. The paid iOS version is $7.99 and works on both iPhone and iPad.

If you are the time tracking sort, and want a full-bodied way to keep track on the go, OfficeTime officially rates the Words on the Word title of AppTastic.



Thanks to the makers of OfficeTime for giving me a download for the review. Check out the app’s iOS page here. See my other AppTastic Tuesday reviews here.

5 thoughts on “AppTastic Tuesday: OfficeTime Time Tracker

    1. Thanks, John! That looks interesting. I’m a little behind on some other app reviews right now, but feel free to email me at AbramKJ [symbol] gmail, if you want to share more info.

What do you think?